Content from Introduction

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  • Why should I create a publication package?
  • What are the elements of a publication package?


  • Recognize the importance of research transparency and data archiving
  • Explain the components of a publication package

Why create a publication package?

Compliance with guidelines and policies

First and foremost, the inevitable reason to create a publication package is that is a way to comply with (inter)national guidelines and policies for good academic practice:

Guidelines and policies

The conclusion that follows from the (non-exhaustive) list of guidelines and policies above is that as a researcher, you are required to clearly document your whole research process, store it in a safe place and make it publicly available whenever possible (as open as possible and as closed as necessary). By creating a publication package for your published research results, you will end up with a structured bundle detailing everything that is needed to verify and replicate the results published in a specific manuscript.


Questions to discuss with your peers:

  • Which of the above policies and guidelines are familiar to you?

  • To what extent do you currently comply with those guidelines?

  • Which extra steps do you need to take to increase compliance?

Making your life easier

Publication packages also yield many benefits for yourself and your (direct) colleagues:

Benefits for you and your colleagues

Benefits for your future self

Imagine you are going to reuse your data or rerun an analysis in a week, a month, a year, or even in 10 years time. Then it is very important that you will organize and document your project thoroughly, because you will not remember all details about the project.

And be aware: your past self doesn’t answer emails! Well-documented data, code and other materials help you to remember and understand all the details even many years later (but it might be useful sooner as well).

Benefits for your collaborators and for re-usability

Well-documented projects also help others to use the data, verify the results and build further on your findings.

When you collaborate with others in a research project, good documentation and metadata will save you countless emails and meetings to explain the details about the project. This is also the case when you are planning to make your data, code and other materials available for re-use. In that case, you want your project components to be self-explanatory, in such a way that others can use it independently.


For those of you who like cringe movies, this video is a great illustration of the importance of a well-documented and archived publication package.

A data management horror story by Karen Hanson, Alisa Surkis and Karen Yacobucci. This is what shouldn’t happen when a researcher makes a data sharing request! Topics include storage, documentation, and file formats.

The contents of a publication package

Infographic summarizing what to include in a publication package, based on the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (March 2022).
Infographic summarizing what to include in a publication package, based on the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (March 2022).

In the infographic above, the contents of a publication package as described in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands are summarized. For your convenience, we also list the components below in textual form:


  1. Manuscript or publication
    • Must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used
  2. Materials used
    • Include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research
  3. Raw data files
    • Provide the most direct registration of behaviour or reactions of participants. Think of unfiltered export files of surveys, EEG measurements, recordings or transcripts. If needed, include all de-identification steps taken
  4. Preprocessing computer code
    • Include code (such as Atlas.Ti/SPSS/JASP syntax files, R scripts, etc.) describing the steps taken to process raw data into analysis data, including brief explanations of the steps in English
  5. Processed data files
    • Provide data (either raw or processed) that were eventually analysed when preparing the article (e.g. a data file after transforming variables, after applying selection, etc.). If the raw data was analysed directly, step 3 suffices
  6. Analysis computer code
    • Include code describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript, including brief explanations of the steps in English
  7. Data management plan
    • Provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan
  8. Readme file
    • Provide a clear readme describing who was involved in the project, when the data was collected, which documents and files can be found where and how to interpret them
  9. Ethics documentation
    • Documents related to the ethical approval (e.g. approval letter, blank consent form)

In the next part of the workshop, we will look into the different components of a publication package in more detail.

The EUR publication package example that you downloaded to your computer (see data sets section on the setup page) provides examples for all of the components. Additionally, in most cases you will hopefully have some components ready at hand (e.g., a data management plan) and you can immediately add it to your draft publication package.

Key Points

  • Create a publication package to comply with (inter)national policies
  • Document research in a publication package to make your life easier
  • The nine elements of a publication package include data, code, materials and documentation

Content from Prepare your package - I. Documentation

Last updated on 2024-11-19 | Edit this page



  • Which documents are needed in a publication package for my research project?
  • How do I document my package in such a way that is understandable for others?


  • Assign all relevant research documentation to the publication package of your own research project
  • Apply best practices for file names and file formats in your publication package

Instead of chronologically adding the components according to their numbering in the list of publication package components, we will first gather all documentation that is needed for your package in this part of the workshop. Hopefully, most of these documents are already available somewhere on your system (except probably for the readme file). In that case, you can quickly start building your package by gathering those files, perhaps focusing mostly on improving file names and file formats.

Project folder

First, we need a place to save all the components of the publication package in one place.

Steps to take

Key Points

  • Add sufficient documentation to the publication package in the form of a data management plan, manuscript, readme file, and ethics documentation
  • Save the files using clear file names and in sustainable file formats

Content from Data management plan

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Data management plan. Provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan
Infographic snippet: Provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan

The first component that we will add to the package is number 7 in our list of publication package components: the data management plan.

Steps to take

  • You should simply provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan.
  • Make sure it is saved in a sustainable file format. This can be a .pdf or .odt file. If you have your most recent version in dmponline, you can download it to your computer in pdf or an alternative format using the Download tab.
  • Provide the document with a good file name (use the three principles for file naming described in this presentation) and save it in the documentation folder.
  • It is also a good moment to take a look at the contents of your data management plan: is it still up to date? Do you need to take more steps to put it into practice?

Example file

See the documentation/dmp_eur-pp_v1.pdf file from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Figure: Data management plan from the EUR publication package example

Content from Manuscript or publication

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  • How do I include a description of the problem definition, research design, data collection and methods used in my publication package?


  • Include the published (or accepted) manuscript or publication in your package
Must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used
Infographic snippet: Must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used

Let’s now continue chronologically with number 1 in our list of publication package components.

Steps to take

  • According to the instructions in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (p. 8) you should include the published (or accepted) manuscript or publication in your package.
  • Additionally, it is stated that you “must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used. An electronic version of the published manuscript will generally suffice.”
    • Check that your manuscript contains this information.
  • Make sure the manuscript is saved in a sustainable file format, most likely a .pdf.
  • In case your manuscript is not yet finished or accepted, wait with including the manuscript until the publication is accepted and/or finalized.

Example file

See the manuscript_rsos_20230401.pdf file from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo (note that this is a mock publication)

Figure: Manuscript from the EUR publication package example

Content from Readme file

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  • How do I write a readme in such a way that my project is understandable for others?


  • Add a clear readme to your publication package
  • The readme should make it clear when and where the research took place, where to find specific files, and how to interpret them
Provide a clear readme describing who was involved in the project, when the data was collected, which documents and files can be found where and how to interpret them
Infographic snippet: Provide a clear readme describing who was involved in the project, when the data was collected, which documents and files can be found where and how to interpret them

Steps to take

  • According to the instructions in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (p.9) you should include a “readme file (metadata) describing which documents and files can be found where and how they should be interpreted”. A specific list of information that the readme file should contain is also provided:
    • Name of the person who stored the documents or files
    • Division of roles among authors, indicating at least who analysed the data
    • Date on which the manuscript was accepted, including reference
    • Date/period of data collection
    • Names of people who collected the data
    • If relevant: addresses of field locations where data were collected and contact persons (if any)
    • Whether or not an ethical assessment took place before the research, and, if relevant, study reference from and statements made by the Ethics Review Committee
    • Whether the data is made open or not and if not, a valid reason for not opening up the data
  • Make sure you make the readme file in plain text, using a text editor, like Notepad/TextEdit/Vim, not Word (save as .txt). Alternatively, if you feel comfortable with Markdown, you can use the Markdown format (.md)

Example file

See the README.txt file from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Figure: README file from the EUR publication package example

Other examples that you can use to get started with a readme:

README exercise

Share your draft README with a colleague or with your neighbor during the workshop.

  • Ask your peer to read through your README

  • Can they answer the following questions based on the document:

    • Is it clear when and where the research took place?

    • Will they know where to find specific files when aiming to reproduce results?

    • Do they know what specific software to use?

    • Which improvements do they suggest to make the README as clear as possible?

Content from Ethics documentation

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  • Which documents related to ethical approval are needed in a publication package for my research project?


  • Assign all relevant ethical documentation to the publication package of your own research project
  • Apply best practices for file names and file formats in your publication package
Documents related to the ethical approval (e.g. approval letter, blank consent form)
Infographic snippet: Documents related to the ethical approval (e.g. approval letter, blank consent form)

Steps to take

  • You should provide the documents related to the ethical approval. Think of the approval letter from the ethical committee, a blank consent form, and the ethics application text for your project.
  • Make sure the files are saved in a sustainable file format. This can be a .pdf or .odt file.
  • Provide the documents with a good file name (use the three principles for file naming described in this presentation) and save it in the documentation folder.

Example files

See the documentation/ethics_approval_letter.pdf and documentation/informed_consent_form.pdf file from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Figure: Ethics approval letter from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Blank consent form from the EUR publication package example

Key Points

  • Add sufficient documentation to the publication package in the form of a data management plan, manuscript, readme file, and ethics documentation
  • Save the files using clear file names and in sustainable file formats

Content from Prepare your package - II. Materials, data, code

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  • Which materials, data, and code are needed to prepare a publication package for my research project?
  • What are best practices for organizing data and code in a publication package?
  • How do I document my package in such a way that is understandable for others?


  • Assign all relevant materials, data, and code to the publication package of your own research project
  • Apply best practices for file names and file formats in your publication package

Now that we have gathered all the documentation of the project, the next step is to collect all the materials, data, and code that were used.

Key Points

  • Include materials, data and code that are needed to reproduce or replicate your research in the publication package
  • Describe data and code clearly, to make sure that everything is self-explanatory
  • Save the files using clear file names and in sustainable file formats

Content from Materials used

Last updated on 2024-11-21 | Edit this page



  • Which materials necessary to replicate the research should be included in the publication package for my research project?


  • Include all instructions, procedures, experiment design and stimulus materials in your publication package
  • Apply best practices for file names and file formats
  • Clearly describe all files and procedures
Include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research
Infographic snippet: Include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research

In this step you need to include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research.

Steps to take

  • According to the instructions in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (p.8) you should include:
    • “The instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) that can reasonably be deemed necessary in order to replicate the research. The materials must be available in the language in which the research was conducted. The publication package must be in English.”
  • Make sure all files are saved in a sustainable file format, and that the files are properly named). In case you work with sub folders, save the files in the materials folder.
  • Make sure that all files and procedures are clearly described and self-explanatory

Example files

See the codebook and the questionnaire in the materials folder from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Codebook from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Codebook from the EUR publication package example

Other examples you can think of:

Content from Raw data files

Last updated on 2024-11-19 | Edit this page



  • How do I add the raw data to my publication package?


  • Add the raw data files to your publication package
  • Apply best practices for file and variable names and file formats
Provide the most direct registration of behaviour or reactions of participants. Think of unfiltered export files of surveys, EEG measurements, recordings or transcripts. If needed, include all de-identification steps taken
Infographic snippet: Provide the most direct registration of behaviour or reactions of participants. Think of unfiltered export files of surveys, EEG measurements, recordings or transcripts. If needed, include all de-identification steps taken

Steps to take

  • According to the instructions in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (p.8) you should provide:
    • The raw data files, which are “the unedited data that are collected within the framework of a research project (…) providing the most direct registration of the behaviour or reactions of test subjects/respondents”. Examples given:
      • Registrations derived from experimental research (e.g., unfiltered export file of an online survey or raw time series for an EEG measurement, e-dat files for an E-Prime behaviour experiment)
      • Survey data from questionnaires completed within the framework of research (including longitudinal research), collected by the researcher themselves or by an external fieldwork organization
      • (Transcripts of) video material collected within the framework of qualitative research (open interviews, observations)
      • Notes taken within the framework of qualitative research or research using source or media material
    • In case you de-identified the data, you also need to include documentation of the steps taken to de-identify the data. Note that only personal data such as contact details or other variables not needed for the actual research should be removed for de-identification. All personal data that is part of the research data should be retained in the publication package for archiving (later you should of course remove identifiers before publication of the data in a public repository).
  • If the raw data files have been accessibly stored in an external data repository (such as a DANS Data Station), making reference to the files in this archive will suffice.
  • Make sure all files are saved in a sustainable file format such as .csv, and that the files and variables are properly named) and clearly described. Save the files in the data folder.

Example file

See the safi_raw.csv file in the data folder from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Raw data from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Raw data from the EUR publication package example

Data exercise

Share a (de-identified) copy of your raw data file with a colleague or with your neighbor during the workshop.

  • Can they open the file without the need for any specialized software?

  • Is it clear to them what all the variables are?

    • If not, is there another file, such as a codebook or README in which the variable names are clearly explained?
  • Which improvements do they suggest to make the data file as clear as possible?

Content from Preprocessing computer code

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  • How do I include preprocessing computer code in my publication package in such a way that is understandable for others?


  • Include computer code describing the steps taken to process the raw data into analysis data in your publication package
  • Consider using tools such as Quarto, R Markdown, or Jupyter notebooks to share code and narrative text in one document
Include code (such as Atlas.Ti/SPSS/JASP syntax files, R scripts, etc.) describing the steps taken to process raw data into analysis data, including brief explanations of the steps in English
Infographic snippet: Include code (such as Atlas.Ti/SPSS/JASP syntax files, R scripts, etc.) describing the steps taken to process raw data into analysis data, including brief explanations of the steps in English

Steps to take

  • You should include computer code (for example Atlas.ti, SPSS/JASP syntax file, MATLAB analysis scripts, R code) describing the steps taken to process the raw data into analysis data. This should include brief explanations of the steps in English, for example a brief description of the steps taken in the qualitative analysis of primary research data (themes, domains, taxonomies, components).
  • There are many ways to include computer code in your publication package, depending on the analysis tools you use. Tools like Quarto, R markdown, or Jupyter notebooks are a great way to share code and narrative text in one document. This will make it much easier to clearly describe the steps that were taken to process the data.
  • A bonus option would be to have your preprocessing and analysis code checked for reproducibility by others. You can consider submitting your data and code to ReproHack or CODECHECK. Even if you don’t, it would be helpful to take into account their guidelines: both initiatives emphasize that documentation of your code is key!

Example files

See the preprocessing_safi.qmd and preprocessing_safi.html file in the scripts folder from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo. The .qmd file is a Quarto markdown document, in which R code and documentation are combined. It produces a readable html file that can also be included in the publication package. See the html file below:

Figure: Rendered html file for the preprocessing code from the EUR publication package example

Other examples you can think of:

Content from Processed data files

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  • How do I add the processed data to my publication package?


  • Add the processed data files to your publication package
  • Apply best practices for file and variable names and file formats
Provide data (either raw or processed) that were eventually analysed when preparing the article (e.g. a data file after transforming variables, after applying selection, etc.). If the raw data was analysed directly, step 3 suffices
Infographic snippet: Provide data (either raw or processed) that were eventually analysed when preparing the article (e.g. a data file after transforming variables, after applying selection, etc.). If the raw data was analysed directly, step 3 suffices

Steps to take

  • You need to provide the data files that were eventually analysed when preparing the article. Examples are the data file after transforming variables and after applying selections. This means that in this step you should provide the outcome file from the two previous steps: the result of the preprocessing of the raw data.
  • If the raw data file was directly analysed, you do not need to provide any extra files in this step.
  • Make sure all files are saved in a sustainable file format such as .csv, and that the files are properly named). Save the files in the data folder.

Example file

See the safi_processed-for-plotting.csv file in the data_output folder from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo:

Processed data from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Processed data from the EUR publication package example

Content from Analysis computer code

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  • How do I include analysis computer code in my publication package in such a way that is understandable for others?


  • Include computer code describing the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript in your publication package
  • Consider using tools such as Quarto, R Markdown, or Jupyter notebooks to share code and narrative text in one document
Include code describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript, including brief explanations of the steps in English
Infographic snippet: Include code describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript, including brief explanations of the steps in English

Steps to take

  • You should include computer code (for example syntax files from SPSS/JASP, Atlas.ti, Matlab, R; syntaxes of tailored software) describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into results in the manuscript. This should include brief explanations of the steps in English.
  • Just as with the preprocessing computer code, for the analysis code it is very helpful to use tools like Quarto, R markdown, or Jupyter notebooks.
  • Again, it is highly recommended to have your preprocessing and analysis code checked for reproducibility by others, or at the least check guidelines from initiatives such as ReproHack or CODECHECK. Keep in mind that documentation of your code is key!

Example files

See the analysis_safi.qmd and analysis_safi.html file in the scripts folder from the EUR publication package example repository on Zenodo. The .qmd file is a Quarto markdown document, in which R code and documentation are combined. It produces a readable html file that can also be included in the publication package. See the html file below:

Figure: Rendered html file for the preprocessing code from the EUR publication package example

Other examples you can think of:

Code exercise

Share a copy of your analysis computer code or syntax with a colleague or with your neighbor during the workshop.

  • Can they open the file without the need for any specialized software?

  • Is it clear to them what is needed to analyze the data?

  • Bonus question: are they able to rerun your analysis independently?

  • Which improvements do they suggest to make the data file as clear as possible?

Key Points

  • Include materials, data and code that is needed to reproduce or replicate your research in the publication package
  • Describe data and code clearly, to make sure that everything is self-explanatory
  • Save the files using clear file names and in sustainable file formats

Content from Prepare your package - III. Archive and share your package

Last updated on 2025-01-08 | Edit this page



  • How do you archive a publication package?
  • Which parts of the package do I need to publish?


  • Determine which parts of the package need to be published and which parts need to be archived internally
  • Select possible repositories where (parts of) the publication package can be published


Now that you have created a publication package, you need to archive it in a place where it will be accessible for the long term. Not only for yourself, but also for your research team and beyond. For this reason, the package should not be stored solely on your hard disk or another personal storage space. In addition, you should determine which parts of the package you want to publish publicly or under restricted access conditions (in line with the motto: as open as possible, as closed as necessary).

Archiving your package

According to the instructions in the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (p. 12) your publication package should be accessible to more than one researcher and saved in read-only format. The author responsible for archiving of the publication package (usually the first author) will have reading rights, but no right to delete or change versions (only writing rights for adding new versions).

It should also be possible to give other researchers reading rights to the package for verification purposes. The faculty board can also assign reading rights in the context of audits, for example to members of an academic integrity committee. The package must be centrally stored on a secure faculty server facility for at least 10 years after the publication appeared.

Yoda Vault at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Yoda research data management logo

At Erasmus University Rotterdam you can archive your publication package for the long-term in the EUR Yoda Vault. The following features make it possible to comply with the guidelines mentioned above:

  • In Yoda, you can submit a folder with your package to the EUR Yoda Vault. Once it is accepted to the Vault, it cannot be altered anymore (only new versions can be submitted if needed).

  • Only you, your research team, and your faculty data steward will have access to the package in Yoda. If needed, you can give access to the package to externals, or the data steward can do so on behalf of the faculty board.

  • In the Yoda metadata, you are also asked to specify the minimal number of years the data will be kept in the archive (which should be 10 years in most cases).

Publish your package

Archiving your package internally is important. But to make it as easy as possible for others to verify your results, you should also publish most parts of your publication package on a public data repository. This is in line with the guidelines and policies mentioned in the introduction, such as the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Keep in mind the following considerations in the checklist for the possibility of publishing different components of the publication package (see the infographic for an overview of the components). If you are working with qualitative data, this DANS guidebook offers great advice on publishing qualitative data and how to make it as reusable as possible.


  • Data management plan

    • Not often published, but in principal it is possible.

    • Making the plan publicly available will inform others interested in your project in detail about how you planned to manage the data during and after the project. This might also benefit others who are looking or example data management plans.

  • Manuscript or publication

    • Make sure the right license is in place. It is better to link clearly to the DOI of the publication (or the open access version of it), then to publish a copy on a data repository.

    • If the actual publication is behind a paywall, make sure you link to an open access version of the paper (such as a preprint or a copy in an institutional publication repository).

  • Readme file

    • A readme file is always recommended for data sets, and should not contain sensitive information. It should therefore be a part of a published publication package.
  • Ethics documentation

    • Not often published, but in principal it is possible. You can distinguish between the full ethics application, blank informed consent forms and the ethics approval letter.

    • Note that the full application might contain identifiable information about specific data collection sites (e.g. names of organisations or schools), which make it possible to identify research participants based on other information in the data. In that case, you should not publish the ethics application. In other cases, it might be informative for others to learn about the ethical considerations in your research.

  • Materials used

    • These contain key information about your research project, and therefore in principle deserve publication.

    • Note that in some cases, you are not allowed to distribute copyrighted research materials such as existing questionnaires without an open license. In those cases, you should link to the source where the materials are available for others.

  • Raw and processed data files

    • Keep the GDPR and other regulations in mind, and make sure you only publish an anonymized version of the data files.

    • In case anonymization makes the data useless for verification or re-use, you can choose to make it available under restricted access conditions. Make sure that when you do this, the consent given by the research participants allows for distribution outside your research team. For more information about data access restrictions and protocols, this guidebook by DANS offers excellent advice.

  • Preprocessing and analysis computer code

    • In most cases this can be published, but make sure that within the code you are not disclosing sensitive or private information.

    • Usually, smaller pieces of code can be published alongside your data in a data repository. When you developed more extensive software for your publication, it might be worthwhile to publish it as a standalone software package in a dedicated software repository using a specific software license (see also the five recommendations for FAIR software).


Questions to discuss with your peers:

  • Do you think it is possible to publish the complete publication package for your project?

    • If not, which components can and which cannot be published?
  • Are there other reasons (besides legal issues) why you do not want to publish certain parts of your package?

    • Which extra steps do you feel are needed before you would publish these?

Where to publish your publication package

Once you have made a selection of the components that you plan to publish, you can deposit this public version of the package in a data repository. Data repositories offer organized and structured storage and access of data, ensuring that data sets abide by the FAIR principles, allowing data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) as much as possible. In most cases, you previously made a selection for a specific repository in your data management plan.

You can for example choose to store your data in a discipline-specific repository like DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, the institutional repository of the EUR (the EUR data repository), or the Open Science Framework. Make sure you follow existing guidelines of the specific repository. At minimum, add a proper license, rich documentation and make sure your package receive a persistent identifier.

Find support for preparing and publishing a publication package

By now, you have reached the end of the workshop. Congratulations!

Hopefully you have made a good start with your own publication package and learned about the importance and potential of a publication package for your research. Now or in the future, questions may arise about your specific publication package that are not answered on these pages. In those cases, you can always reach out to your faculty research data steward. They will be able to answer your question or connect you with the experts needed, such as privacy or legal officers, or data librarians.

In case you have any feedback regarding the current online materials, please contact us. We are happy to keep improving!

Key Points

  • Save your complete publication package on suitable project storage that will remain available for the long-term
  • Publish as much components as possible of your publication package on a public repository