
Figure 1

Infographic summarizing what to include in a publication package, based on the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (March 2022).
Infographic summarizing what to include in a publication package, based on the Guideline for the archiving of academic research for Faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands (March 2022).

Prepare your package - I. Documentation

Data management plan

Figure 1

Data management plan. Provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan
Infographic snippet: Provide a copy of the most recent version of your data management plan

Manuscript or publication

Figure 1

Must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used
Infographic snippet: Must include a brief description of the problem definition, research design, data collection (sampling, selection and representativeness of informants) and methods used

Readme file

Figure 1

Provide a clear readme describing who was involved in the project, when the data was collected, which documents and files can be found where and how to interpret them
Infographic snippet: Provide a clear readme describing who was involved in the project, when the data was collected, which documents and files can be found where and how to interpret them

Ethics documentation

Figure 1

Documents related to the ethical approval (e.g. approval letter, blank consent form)
Infographic snippet: Documents related to the ethical approval (e.g. approval letter, blank consent form)

Prepare your package - II. Materials, data, code

Materials used

Figure 1

Include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research
Infographic snippet: Include instructions, procedures, the design of the experiment and stimulus materials (interview guide, questionnaires, surveys, tests) necessary to replicate the research

Figure 2

Codebook from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Codebook from the EUR publication package example

Raw data files

Figure 1

Provide the most direct registration of behaviour or reactions of participants. Think of unfiltered export files of surveys, EEG measurements, recordings or transcripts. If needed, include all de-identification steps taken
Infographic snippet: Provide the most direct registration of behaviour or reactions of participants. Think of unfiltered export files of surveys, EEG measurements, recordings or transcripts. If needed, include all de-identification steps taken

Figure 2

Raw data from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Raw data from the EUR publication package example

Preprocessing computer code

Figure 1

Include code (such as Atlas.Ti/SPSS/JASP syntax files, R scripts, etc.) describing the steps taken to process raw data into analysis data, including brief explanations of the steps in English
Infographic snippet: Include code (such as Atlas.Ti/SPSS/JASP syntax files, R scripts, etc.) describing the steps taken to process raw data into analysis data, including brief explanations of the steps in English

Processed data files

Figure 1

Provide data (either raw or processed) that were eventually analysed when preparing the article (e.g. a data file after transforming variables, after applying selection, etc.). If the raw data was analysed directly, step 3 suffices
Infographic snippet: Provide data (either raw or processed) that were eventually analysed when preparing the article (e.g. a data file after transforming variables, after applying selection, etc.). If the raw data was analysed directly, step 3 suffices

Figure 2

Processed data from the EUR publication package example
Figure: Processed data from the EUR publication package example

Analysis computer code

Figure 1

Include code describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript, including brief explanations of the steps in English
Infographic snippet: Include code describing the steps taken to process the analysis data into the results reported in the manuscript, including brief explanations of the steps in English

Prepare your package - III. Archive and share your package

Figure 1

Yoda research data management logo